Andrea Wilson - WISE WOMEN 2024

It is life’s experiences, and the people you share them with, that matter.
— Andrea Wilson

Bio: I am the usual 40 something year old woman - confidently juggling multiple competing facets in life, all the while paddling underneath as fast as I can to keep up. Words friends use to describe me: passionate, caring, energetic, loyal, kind and committed.

How wise are you? 47 years wise

Where are you from?
Melbourne, Victoria

What about your life would you like to celebrate most?
Achieving success in multiple areas of life - whether it’s family, personal growth, or career progression - becomes possible with the right support network around you.

What 3 words best describe you in this phase of your life? Passionate, Inquisitive, Exploring.

What do you love about this time of life? Cultivating self-assurance and recognising that you are enough.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
— Ferris Bueller

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